Here are 8 things we can all do on Human Rights Day this year – and hopefully, continue to practice for the rest of the year. Posted byAsfiyah   On a socio-political level, Human Rights Day – observed on 10th December – marks the date of the United Nations General Assembly’s adoption and proclamation of … More

Lena Waithe keeps us in the Havens with the more QTPOC and POC content.

Lena Waithe keeps us in the Havens with the more QTPOC and POC content. Lena Waithe, the out lesbian woman of color who has been among those at the forefront in the struggle to bring more visibility and representation to the entertainment industry, is on a roll as 2019 ends. On the heels of an … More Lena Waithe keeps us in the Havens with the more QTPOC and POC content.

These films that are an indelible part of the queer canon and not just part of the Black LGBTQ+.

These films that are an indelible part of the queer canon and not just part of the Black LGBTQ+. From documentaries and biopics, to romantic comedies and dramas, this unranked list of films is a testament to the beauty and complexity of the Black LGBTQ+ experience, all of which we consider a part of the … More These films that are an indelible part of the queer canon and not just part of the Black LGBTQ+.

While Black’ Talks About LGBTQ+ Issues in The African American Community. The new episode discusses the politics involved

“While Black” podcast gets to the point and maintains a push in to the Black Community and the investigating the diversity in Community. In a current pod cast, “My Life, My Love, My Way’, they talk about what it means to be LGBTQ+ in the Black community. As a gust the show talks to content … More While Black’ Talks About LGBTQ+ Issues in The African American Community. The new episode discusses the politics involved

Black Trans Strength and Talent – Shea Diamond

Shea Diamond’s new single, “Don’t Shoot,” comes with a very essential message that is more layered than a couple listens might reveal. The song, which Diamond composed and produced with a rousing, soulful arrangement alongside frequent collaborator Justin Tranter, arrives just in time for the fifth annual National Gun Violence Awareness Day. When Diamond sings, … More Black Trans Strength and Talent – Shea Diamond

What QTPOC People Want

Like all LGBTQ(QTPOC) people, I am complex. I cannot be perceived as just black or queer. The community and policy makers must understand all of these complexities. Via. Charles Smith  The Black Futures Lab recently generated a report titled “When the Rainbow is Not Enough: LGB+ Voices in the 2019 Black Census.”   “Black Futures … More What QTPOC People Want

Transgender activist seeking asylum has been in ICE detention for over 20 months: #FreeAlejandra – Is Now Free

After nearly two years in detention, Alejandra Barrera, a 44-year-old transgender Salvadorian activist, was released from an ICE facility in New Mexico late last Friday. Human rights activists and the transgender immigrant community are rejoicing at the news that Barrera will finally be freed after being held in U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention since November … More Transgender activist seeking asylum has been in ICE detention for over 20 months: #FreeAlejandra – Is Now Free

That Was My Child: Transgender Deaths Devastate Families

“Okay, Mommy. I love you.” That was Brenda Scurlock’s last text from her son, Avery, before he was shot eight times, his body abandoned in a field in eastern North Carolina. Scurlock had always worried about Avery’s safety. He was young and black in a society where those qualities could make him vulnerable. And to … More That Was My Child: Transgender Deaths Devastate Families

Color Of Pride Proudly stands with Latinx Community During Hispanic Heritage Month

While it might be easy to assume that LGBTQ+ issues are a modern cause, there have been people long before us doing the work. If it weren’t for decades of protest, policy reform, and research, the strides that we have made in LGBTQ+ rights would not have been possible. As white washed as the queer community … More Color Of Pride Proudly stands with Latinx Community During Hispanic Heritage Month

Academy Award-winning Actor Octavia Spencer & Apple CEO Tim Cook to be Honored at GLSEN Respect Awards

By. C. Smith Los Angeles, California (August 13, 2019) – GLSEN, the leading education organization working to create safe and inclusive K-12 schools for LGBTQ youth, is pleased to announce that it will honor award-winning actress and activist Octavia Spencer with the Inspiration Award at the 2019 GLSEN Respect Awards – Los Angeles. GLSEN has … More Academy Award-winning Actor Octavia Spencer & Apple CEO Tim Cook to be Honored at GLSEN Respect Awards